Moda Silhouettes - Clippings in whisper grey
by Moda
6933 11 Silhouettes fabric by Holly Taylor for Moda Fabrics
With Silhouettes Holly has moved away from her usual black and white palette and pursued a softer, more serene look. The delicate floral and foliage designs are complemented with handy geometrics and these fabrics will slot seamlessly into your low volume quilt projects, or make stylish coordinating pillow shams.
100% quilting weight cotton, 115cm wide
Fabric is sold in 25cm, width of fabric increments, however you may request a fat quarter cut by leaving a comment at the checkout. Wherever possible multiples will be supplied as a continuous lenght, eg:
1 = 25cm (or FQ)
2 = 50cm
3 = 75cm
4 = 1m and so on.