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All about the Proverbial Quilt-along prizes

All about the Proverbial Quilt-along prizes

What a turbulent few weeks it has been! When we all— Denyse Schmidt, Amy and the team at Sewtopia, and I first started planning #theproverbialquiltalong we never dreamed we all would be going into lock down as nations around the world in an effort to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Knowing that the economic impact of the pandemic will be significant for businesses of all sizes we are taking a slightly different approach with the prizes this time around.  Our focus will be less on marketing and firmly on supporting the sew-along community as we hunker down in our homes and sewing rooms in the weeks ahead. In these uncertain economic times we are incredibly grateful to our wonderful sponsors:

Of course, DSQuilts, Sewtopia and The Next Stitch are also adding in some quilty goodness for you all as well, so make sure you read on to find out all about it!

To add to the fun, and address some of the challenges we may face in photographing our proverbial quilts we have also added in some new categories in our prize pool.

Prizes just for joining

Even if you think you will only have limited time to sew in the next few weeks there is still a chance to win, just for signing up for the weekly emails. You can join the sew-along here

Once you register you will be sent an email containing an 'I'm In' graphic. Repost the image on your Instagram to help us spread the word about the quilt-along and you could win one of three fab prizes from us, your hosts.

How easy is that?  You haven't had to sew a stitch yet!

Denyse Schmidt will be giving away a  digital bundle of   three PDF quilt patterns delivered straight to your inbox.  Pretty handy in these days of social distancing!

Sewtopia is giving away this beautiful bundle of Ruby Star Society's new Tiger Fly fabric by Sarah Watts. You can take a closer look at the lustrous metallics and finely illustrated tigers, cranes and butterflies here.

And from me here at The Next Stitch  I will be giving away this bundle of Rifle Paper Co Primavera fat quarters, because we all need flowers right now.  Am I right?


To be in the running for one of these Im In prizes, post the graphic to Instagram up until the week 3 email drops, or in other words by midnight ET Friday 10 April. That's 2pm AEDT Saturday 11 April for folk in Australia.

'Getting wordy with it' prizes

Week three, (beginning April 11 and ending April 18) is the half-way mark of the sew-along and we want to keep you motivated, so we have two 'Getting wordy with it' prizes to give away.

The goal at the end of this week (by April 18, 2020) is to be adding spacers and joining letters to make at least four words . Post a picture to Instagram of your four words and you could be one of our winners.

From Silly Moon Quilt Co

Firstly our friends at Silly Moon Quilt Co are giving away a set of their Eggy rulers. These specialty oval rulers let you machine quilt  curves - two sizes per ruler!  They are carefully crafted in Canada and feature rounded edges so that they are comfortable in your hand and you can choose a ruler set suitable for either a domestic or longarm machine.

If you want to know more you should absolutely check out the Silly Moon Quilt Co Youtube channel to see these nifty rulers in action.

From The Next Stitch

In the same week I will also be giving away one of my Pathways Quilt pattern and template sets.  Life feels like it is taking all sorts of unexpected twists and turns at the moment, so why not stitch a wobbly path?  Also, because Pathways is 5-inch charm square friendly it is a great stash buster.  Winning!


Hang in There prize (week 5)

Life is just plain weird at the moment and one day tends to blur into the next so we have a wonderful prize on offer this week to keep you motivated. Week 5 is our catch up week and thanks to our friends at Storey Publishing  we are giving away a copy of Why We Quilt by Thomas Knauer .

Why We Quilt is an exploration into what drives contemporary quilt makers as they create, connect, speak out and express themselves. Because you are a Proverbial Quilt-along-er we know you will love it! There's even an interview with Denyse herself, as one of the voices of quilting in the 21st century.

For a chance to win a copy of Why We Quilt post an update about your project to Instagram no later than midnight ET May 1, 2020.  All you need to do is show us the letters and words you have managed to make this week.

Prizes for completing your Proverbial Quilt top

This year we have added a few prize categories for folk who make it to the end: 

  1. Say it loud — this one is for bold use of colour, high contrast fabrics or for saying something just plain fierce
  2. Whisper it to me — this category is all about restful palettes, low contrast, lullabies or whispered sweet nothings
  3. Proverbial in the wild — Who knows how we will be living our day to day lives in May so get creative with this one. Maybe you can't get outside, so hang your Proverbial quilt from your balcony and get a neighbour to send you a photo from across the street. Your Proverbial in the wild entry may simply include some blooms from your garden or a potted plant in your studio.
  4. Proverbial with the kids or with fur kids — If you've got limited space indoors and are feeling a bit crowded by your housemates this is the one for you.  Show us your completed quilt top with your favourite photo-bomber (2 legged or 4!).

In these uncertain times we are particularly grateful to our generous sponsors for hanging in there with us.

Designer and fellow Australian quilt shop owner Kathy Doughty from Material Obsession in Sydney is giving not one but TWO prizes! 

One lucky person will win a bundle of her just released New Vintage fabric collection for FreeSpirit Fabrics.  Another lucky person will receive a copy of her latest book Organic Applique. It's a deep dive into Kathy's fearless approach to mixing colour and pattern in her quilts, plus step by step instructions into new techniques and eight quilt projects.

You can follow Kathy's work on Instagram at @matobsgirl and access Material Obsession's online store here.

Of course there was going to be more DSQuilts swag, and here it is! Denyse is giving away one of her re-released County Fair cheater panels.  

The panels measure a whopping 56 x 76 inches, making them perfect for a whole-cloth throw quilt, or cut up for throw cushions, tote bags and more! If you'd like to hedge your bets and place a pre-order, here's the link to DSQuilts.

Thanks to our wonderful friends at Windham Fabrics in the US and XLN fabrics here in Australia, we are giving away two FQ bundles of luscious Artisan shot cottons. This glowing stack look like silk but are yarn woven cotton with a beautiful drape.

Yet again the generous team at Oliso are keen to support our sew-along community and are contributing one of their nifty irons featuring Oliso's patented iTouch® technology. Simply touch the handle and the iron lowers, ready to work. Take your hand off and the patented scorchguards lift the iron off the board preventing scorches, burns, and tipping.  It's like magic!

Good luck everyone! 

Don't forget that you can post as many times as you like and remember to use the official sew-along hashtag so we don't miss seeing your awesome Proverbial Quilt:


Go forth, sew it, SAY IT and most importantly stay healthy!


Previous article The Big Brand Sale
Next article Announcing the Proverbial Quilt-along


yolFWITGkMp - August 24, 2020


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