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Make Modern Magagzine's mini mini challenge

Make Modern Magagzine's mini mini challenge

Make a minimini quilt and be in the running to win some amazing prizes in Make Modern Magazine's latest challenge.  What could be more achievable than a mini quilt no bigger than six inches? 

There are lots of amazing  prizes up for grabs, including these  two fat quarter bundles which The Next Stitch is delighted to contribute to the prize pool

We are offering 6 fat quarters of Alison Glass Handcrafted Indigoes

And 6 fat quarters from Caroline Friedlander's Carkai range in the neutral colour palette.

Carkai neutral bundle

The challenge  runs from 20 May - 20 June so thread up and get stitching everyone!  After all, you've got to be in it to win it.

The handcrafted indigoe fat quarters are available for $5.75 each plus postage and we also have yardage available.

The carkai neutrals will be back in stock in a few weeks, but we do still have some of the factory cut FQ bundles for $225.

Previous article Free-Wheeling Single Girl Sew-along 2018 prize pool

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