Free-Wheeling Single Girl Sew-along 2018 prize pool
We already think everyone who has signed up for the Free-Wheeling Single Girl sew-along is a winner, but Denyse, Sewtopia and I just couldn't resist sweetening the deal with some prizes.
Thanks to our generous friends at FreeSpirit and XLN Fabrics also adding to the offerings we have lined up some SERIOUSLY GOOD prizes for you all.
The Prizes
To help keep you motivated we will be awarding prizes each week of the Free-Wheeling single Girl sew along.
No that's not a typo. There are lots of chances to win something every single week.
Thanks to our generous friends at FreeSpirit and XLN Fabrics also chipping in,
we have a mountain of awesome stuff to giveaway. Each week the prizes get bigger and better.
I may even have had a little squeal once the line up was confirmed. Hold onto your hats because I know you will be excited too.
Week 1
We are giving away a Denyse Schmidt Modern Solids charm pack to two lucky people. They're bigger than your regular charm pack as there's 75 delicious colours to play with.
To win you need to introduce yourself, tell us what size quilt you are making and post a picture of your fabric pull by 16 September.
Week 2
Two lucky 'free-wheelers' will win
- a Modern Solids charm pack,
- AND two DSQuilt patterns (autographed by Denyse of course)
To win you need to post a picture of at least 3 of your pieced arcs (3/4 of a ring) by 23 September. But once you start, I bet you can't stop there. They are a whole lot of fun so fill up our feeds with your improv.
Week 3
Two lucky people will each win:
- a Modern Solids charm pack
- 2 autographed DSQuilts patterns
- a $40 dollar give voucher (one from us here at The Next Stitch and one from Sewtopia) so you get to choose part of your prize yourself. How good is that?
To win you need to post a progress pic of at least 8 arcs, or two rings worth by 30 September. Of course if you have more than that done we totally want to see them all.
Week 4
Have you noticed how the prizes keep getting bigger?
The thrill of seeing my first FWSG quilt come together was pretty exciting, but just in case you need a bit more motivation....
This week we are giving away 3 Ludlow fat quarter bundles. Ludlow is Denyse's latest fabric collection which is chock full of Denyse' signature combination of geometrics and floral designs
There's 29 FQs in each bundle - 19 prints and 10 coordinating FreeSpirit solids.
To win you need to post a picture of at least two completed ring blocks by 8 October.
Week 5
We are getting into the major prizes now, and my oh my this is juicy!
One super duper lucky soul will win
- one of those beautiful Ludlow FQ bundles, and
- an autographed copy of Denyse Schmidt's latest book, Modern Quilts Traditional Inspiration.
I purchased a copy last year when Denyse was teaching and travelling in Australia and its become a favourite. I keep coming back to it and every time I flip through something new catches my eye.
There's 160 pages of quilty inspiration. There are 20 quilt designs, all beautifully photographed, with step by step instructions and full sized lift out pattern sheets.
Whether hand or machine sewing is your jam, there's a project for everyone.
To win you need to post a progress picture of at least 3 rings, or 12 completed blocks by 15 October. But of course the more blocks the merrier, so hit us with as many as you like.
Week 6.
Run to your sewing machines! You are going to want to get your hands on one of these.
Drumroll please, because this week we are giving away the big daddy of prizes.
For the final week of the sew-along and thanks to FreeSpirit and XLN Fabrics we are giving away two DS Modern Solids fat quarter boxes!
Each box contains 75 colours carefully curated by Denyse. There's the perfect mix of soft or saturated colours, and versatile neutrals.
To win one of the DS Modern Solids FQ boxes, you need to
- If making the baby quilt, post a picture of your completed quilt top with the borders attached.
- If you are making a larger quilt you need to post a picture of at least 6 completed rings.
You will need to post your picture no later than 22 October.
Please note, your quilt doesn't need to be quilted to be eligible for this big daddy of prizes. But if you are on a roll and you want to get it completed of course we will cheer you on
Here's what you need to do?
Its easy!
- Sign up for the sew-along
- To be in the running, each week you will need to post your progress picture on Instagram and use #freewheelingsinglegirlsal.
- Tell us where you live or include a flag emoji in your Instagram post. Quilters from all over the world have signed up, so for a bit of fun and to help build the international sew-along community we also want to know where you are.
You need to make sure your picture is posted by midnight each Sunday EDT of the quilt along, according to the schedule above so that you are in the running for that week's prizes. For people sewing along in Australia that's 2pm on the following Monday, but if the time/date thing makes your head explode like mine, you can work it out here
Please remember that we can't give you a prize if we can't see you. If your Instagram account is private, consider making it public for the duration of the sew-along. Or, why not set up a separate account under a pseudonym
The winners will be announced each Wednesday on Instagram.
You don't live in the US or Australia. Can you win a prize?
It doesn't matter where you live - the US, here in Australia or the rest of the world, You are in with a chance.
Just sign up for the sew-along, get ready to start sewing your Free-Wheeling Single Girl on 10 September 2018, and post pictures of your progress in line with the schedule and
you are in the running!
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