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A word about shipping

A word about shipping

I'm taking a week off and this afternoon will be hitting the road to visit friends and family in the country.  Granted, most people head to the coast for a bit of R&R, but I'm really looking forward to enjoying the vista as I drive across those plains.

As an online business, the doors here at The Next Stitch never really close, but this will mean two things:

  1. As I will be travelling in areas with patchy network coverage it may take me longer than normal to respond to messages on social media or emails.  I will be checking in fairly regularly so bear with me - I will get back to you I promise.
  2. There will be a delay in our normally snappy turn around time on shipping.  I will have someone sending out block of the month and fabric club bundles, periodically, but the majority of orders will be shipped when I return on 12 November.
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