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Eadsy like Sunday Morn-ang!

Eadsy like Sunday Morn-ang!

A month or so ago, Carolyn Friedlander kicked off an Eads Quilt-along.

This is her Eads quilt below .  I was really drawn to the interesting geometric blocks and the way that different colours and fabrics play across the surface of the quilt.  I think it has a bit of an art deco vibe in a way.  

I've had the patterns on back order for a while now, but they will arrive this week. Yay!

You can grab one here.

Carolyn Friedlander Eads Quilt

I'm normally a finisher ( well eventually anyway), but joining a QAL is a great way to make sure I keep things moving.  Its also fantastic to connect with other makers along the way as well.  Throw in some tips from Carolyn Friedlander herself, and some inspirational images in her newsletter and on social media; well happy days!

I decided that I would limit my Eads to solids only, and pulled fabrics from the shop's range of Kona Cottons. You can check out the Kona collection here.

 I started off with just the blues and aquas with a few neutrals, but found it looked a bit cold.  The rustiness of those orange and red colours (Kona Cayenne and Spice) provided just the right amount of warmth and contrast. Ignore that flash of wasabi - thats from another project.

kona cotton colours

I thought making the Eads blocks were going to be repetitive and and wondered if I would get bored as you really do need to make a stack of them for this project.  I was so, so wrong. They are totally addictive!  

In the very first week of the QAL I started making deals with myself so that I could get to the machine and punch out a couple more.   I even Eadsed my way through stocktake by letting myself do a couple of blocks every time I finished a particular section.  See?  Eads addict right here! 

I am also really enjoying the chance to play around with the flow of colours as I work on this quillt.  Sometimes I am just focussing on which two colours to put together at a time.  At others I am concentrating on amping up the contrast in each pairing, then flipping onto a quieter, lower impact combination.

The blocks are super quick and Eadsy to make. (Ha! See what I did there?)  In fact I think it is a perfect project if you're a newby to foundation paper piecing.  There's a couple of small pieces in the block but by using the strip sets it is really achieveable.

There is a definite joy in just getting swept along with this project and watching the different colours do their thing.  

Eads quilt in kona

Intuitively we all recognise that a medium value colour can look dark when next to a light fabric, but then seem lighter next to a dark one. Eads is a great project to explore the relationships between colours even further.  

Here's an example for your to consider.  Check out how Kona Sky appears almost silvery when matched up with Kona Fog.

kona fog and sky

When partnered with Kona Oyster in this next block though, the 'blueness' of Sky is more evident.

Here they are together.  Cool huh?

kona eads blocks

You should also go check out the QAL action on Instagram.  The hashtag is #eadsqal. Carolyn Friedlander  included a round up of some of the variety in a recent blog post - and yours truly was absolutely chuffed to rate a mention. There is so much variety in everyone's fabric choices. Honestly you should go check it out  here    It makes me want to start do another in large scale prints - they look awesome!

I am  struggling a bit  with my layout as I've not got my design wall up.  Ideally I would like to have the blocks up where I can see them so that I can begin to make more planned decisions about the flow of colours and value my quilt as it grows.  On the other hand though, every time I lay the blocks out it changes and I seem to take things in a different direction

eadys like sunday mornang quilt

I have decided to name my quilt Eadsy like Sunday morning.  It sort of named itself after I heard that old Motown song by The Commodores pop up on the radio, and because most of my sewing happens on the weekend as I'm not bustling to get orders packed up to catch the weekday mail deadlines.

You know the one: Easy Like Sunday Morning.  Don't know it?  You can check it out here

I've had other deadlines and been away teaching, so my Eadsy Like Sunday Mornang has been a bit neglected for the last two weeks - I will definitely be finding time for a few more blocks today though.   Afterall - its Sunday!


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