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Get thready - Cotton + Steel  Sulky threads are on their way

Get thready - Cotton + Steel Sulky threads are on their way

You would have had to been living under a rock to not have heard about Cotton + Steel's new thread collection by Sulky.

I guess because these threads are so brand spanking new, I've had a lot of questions.

I thought I would try to answer the most common ones here, all in the one place.

I've used Sulky threads in other weights in the past and loved them, so it was an absolute no-brainer for me to jump in and place an order. Clearly though, there are a lot of you wanting to understand what sets this thread apart from the rest of the pack. 

1. Is Cotton + Steel Sulky is the same as Gutermann sulky?

No.  Its not, so let's clear up some of the confusion.

Gutermann make specialty machine embroidery threads and they call this product line sulky.  They come in range of different weights, mostly in rayon.  Gutermann do make a cotton thread in their sulky range, however it only comes in the heavier 30wt, so its really only suitable for decorative embellishment and top stitching.

Cotton and Steel Sulky thread is manufactured by a company called Sulky Threads.   Got it?  Cotton + Steel by Sulky.

In case you forget - they even popped it on the bottom label ;-)

2. 'So who are Sulky Threads?  I've not heard of them'

Sulky is a family owned business that has been making quality threads for nearly 30 years.  A video was made with Melody Miller from the Cotton and Steel team, and its a really interesting, behind-the-scenes look at the manufacturing process.  Once you see the stringent quality assurance that goes into the manufacture, its obvious how Sulky got its reputation for top notch manufacture.

You can check out the thread production journey video here 

3. So C+S by Sulky are just for machine embroidery? 

Yes, its great for embroidery, but you can use this thread for so much more as well.  

For the first time Sulky are manufacturing their 100% Egyption cotton thread in 50 weight.   This means Cotton and Steel Sulky is an all purpose thread that's able to be used for just about any type of sewing:

  • garment making,
  • patchwork, 
  • walking foot and free motion quilting, 
  • as well as machine embroidery

Check out this cute sunshine cushion where the Sulky team have used the threads to foundation piece the segments, embroider the centre panel and construct the pillow sham.

 cotton and steel sunshine pillow project

 If machine embroidery is your jam, Cotton + Steel have released a really cute bunch of embroidered patch motifs like this daisy below.  

 cotton + steel scout patch

The Scout embroidery patch collection are available to purchase via PDF download here

4. So what makes this cotton thread special?

Have you ever had problems with breakages when using 100% cotton thread?  I have - and in fact there is one brand out there that my Bernina just hates as it's too stretchy.

Cotton + Steel Sulky is made from extra-long staple cotton.  This means that the strands of raw cotton are at least 34mm in length.  These extra long fibres mean that the thread is softer as well as stronger than thread made from other grades of cotton.  

Importantly, the extra-long staple length also reduces the 'hairiness' of the finished product,  I'm looking forward to this super smooth thread leaving less lint in my machine.

When you add in the mercerisation and finishing processes (go back and check out that video if you haven't yet)  you get that beautiful lustre and consistency of colour.



To be honest - I also just love the way they are presenting this thread.  I love those multicoloured spools and cute label artwork.  So quality, plus a bit of fun and prettiness thrown in.  What's not to love about that?

Each spool contains 660 yards - so one spool is going to go a long way.  Lots of lovely bobbin winding - yay!

5. How many colours are you getting at The Next Stitch?

To kick things off I have selected my favourite neutral greys and taupes for piecing, as well as a some of the juiciest brights and softest pastels.

We are expecting over 20 colours in our very first shipment to arrive in the next few days.  As soon as they arrive you will be able to check them out here

This is just the start of our collection and I will be adding to the range over time.  Keep your eyes peeled on Instagram for our special launch deal where you can mix and match your own three spools for our initial colours and I will pack them in a cute Cotton + Steel box for you

Each colour comes in a box of three.  If you are after a particular shade that I don't have in stock yet, feel free to give me a shout out.  I'm more than happy to get a box in for you. If you'd like your own colour chart for all 100 colours you can  download one here.




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Sandy Murphy - August 24, 2017

Really excited about these after watching the Cotton and Steel video about how it is made and the colours are stunning. Loving the look and the labels as well – just so much fun to use.

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