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Lockdown Update!

Lockdown Update!


The City of Dubbo continues to see more COVID-19 cases every day but we are operating as usual and taking every precaution. But due to increased demand, the turnaround time isn’t as snappy as usual.

Contactless Pickup 

Contactless pick up is available for Dubbo residents. Choose the pickup option at checkout and we will let you know when your order is ready to collect.

Supplies for mask making

Looking to make your own masks? We have elastic in black and white, mask panels and a huge range of quilting cotton in stock so you can make masks that suit your style.


Here's the link to all the mask making supplies.

I have been making contoured masks because she wears specs and really likes the fit of this pattern from Tea Rose Home.  Its free, and there's instructions for small, medium and large sizes so there's one to fit everyone in the family.

 Tracking your parcel

Also, a reminder for you to leave your email address at the checkout. That way  you’ll get all the shipping updates as your parcels head your way.

Please allow a couple of extra days for parcels to arrive during this time. Due to the sheer volume Aus Post is not currently able to guarantee next day delivery for Express Post.  Express parcels will definitely arrive quicker, but they may take a little extra time.

More information on the current state of play with Australia Post's shipping times can be found here .

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