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Pink Flamingo - be still my heart!

Pink Flamingo - be still my heart!

So you would have had to have been under a rock not to have heard that Pink Flamingo is the Kona Cotton Colour of the Year for 2017. Pink Flamingo has finally landed in Australia and we are excited to be bringing it to our customers

It is bright, yet not overpowerring, and has just a tinge of  peach which lends a gorgeous warmth, but still reads as pink.  It is distinctly different from any other pink or peach hue in the Kona pallet.

The possibilities for mixing and matching are endless.  

Kona Pink Flamingo look book

Check out the lookbook here for some project ideas.  

The best news is that if you have fallen in love with any of these designer quilts, that patterns are all available as free downloads on the Robert Kaufman website.   

As a  limited release colour, Pink Flamingo will only be in production in 2017, so be sure to grab some before it disappears.  You can find it here





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